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Goat Satay and Curried ~ Miss Nunuk Tulungagung

These edition brings culinary time about food satay and Gule (Curried) Goat. Starting from sunlight stomach feels hungry after my wife picked out of work, short discussion of the results of the wife suggested eating satay and curry stall subscription workplace when there is an event. Not far from Josh FM radio station about 800 meters towards the west these goat satay and curried stall location as shown in the image above.

Memorable narrow stall with pink wall color, when we came partially filled table. Soon wife ordered 2 servings of white rice, 10 skewers and a plate of curry goat goats not forget the 2 cups of hot tea. I took time to take pictures of the man who is being fanned charcoal kiln in addition there are fans he said  for help when his sore flutter .... modern era changed everything.

Pesanan Sate sedang dibakar

And finally here we scent our goat meat is burned immediately poked nose and make our tongues juicy, his chops are not too big, but once mixed with the seasoning of soy sauce, pepper slices and onion pieces of soft meat was immediately fused with the seasonings spicy. What is special about each skewer pieces I found almost no fat (which is usually common included for adding flavor or just to reduce the portion of meat).

Sate Kambing (Goat Satay)

Gule (Gulai) Kambing (Goat Curry)

Must not be forgotten here is curry goat, we usually immediately mix with white rice as eat satay that we did not feel dry ditenggorokan. It felt for gule (curried) goat is still less salty, but according to his wife is just right saltiness dose may be advised to eat more often salted everyday. The content of meat on gule (goulash) goat arguably less because more didominan by fat and tripe.
Miss Nunuk serving buyers
As we were eating a lot of customers who came had declined by the owner (Ms. Nunuk), because it is very salable. If you come to Tulungagung do not forget to try Warung satay and Gule Goat Nunuk Miss. Its location in the village Kepatihan Tulungagung regency.


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